【同义词辨析】 2019-03-29 伙伴partner-confederate

partner: implies an associate in business or one of two associates, as in some games, a dance, or marriage: now, all change ~s.

copartner: may add little to partner, or it may distinctively imply a fellow partner: the actions of one partner may commit his or her ~s.       fellow一般指处境相同或有共同点伙伴,特别是共同责任,如my fellow Chinese(Americans)我的中国(美国)同胞, fellow club member俱乐部会员, CAS fellow中科院院士fellow guests共同作客的客人,口语中经常用,表示老兄小伙等,如he's a nice old fellow他这位老兄人不错,如by all accounts, Rodger would appear to be a fine fellow人人都说罗杰是个好小伙

colleague: applies usually to an associate in office or in professional or academic relations: presented a lecture to his ~s.

ally: suggests an often temporary association in a common cause: agreed to act as ~ies for the duration of the conflict.

confederate: often suggests a closer or more permanent union for strength and solidarity: joined his ~s in a toast to the new undertaking.     toast祝酒干杯  (solidarity联合团结,目的是凝聚力量a unity for strength or influence as one,如a ethnic minority with a strong sense of solidarity一个团结意识很强的少数族裔)

partner伙伴: 表示同伴如生意伙伴,或婚姻游戏舞蹈中两人中的一人,copartner合伙人: 有时和partner相同,或者特指承担共同责任的伙伴(等于fellow partner),colleague同事: 指工作职业学术上的同伴,ally盟友 /'ælaɪ/: 常表示临时为了共同目标事业的伙伴,confederate同盟: 更紧密长期团结有力

记忆方法: 1)首字母PCCAC: 想成A CPC Comrade党员同志<==好伙伴

        2)伙伴的意思是同伴mean an associate.           (associate同伴的基本意思是在一起fact of being together,如opera is popularly associated with high society通常将歌剧和上层社会联系在一起,另外从本义还引申出副准非正式的意思,如an associate professor/director/editor/member教授导演主编、会员)